Domestic Violence Help (Unsilenced Voices)

Unsilenced Voices Benefit Gala

On Saturday, July 23rd, I had the pleasure of attending the Unsilenced Voices benefit gala at the Braemer Country Club here in Los Angeles. I was delighted to attend. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic stopped some in-person activities. Shattering any chance of interviews on Red Carpets. Most importantly, Ramelle Carter’s Blog pressed on.

In other words, we took everything to a Public Television Station. Beginning a partnership with Pasadena Media’s Arroyo Channel. ( Ramelle Carter’s Blog still progressed. Our Talk Show, Ramelle Carter Blog Live streams Mondays at 05:00 PM & 11:30 PM. After two years, what an impressive accomplishment.

Although our COVID-19 numbers are steady in LA County, it calls for gratitude. Similarly, negative COVID cases in Los Angeles County allow for more in-person gatherings.

Moreover, I had to shut down my WeRsurvivors website but no fear, I started Ramelle Carter Media LLC, a business enterprise set up to make the tax man and myself happy.

In addition, having a presence on social media platforms; products that you barter, buy, or sell, may impress us to give an accountant a call. I realized Real Ramelle Carter was a commodity. Fortunately, bringing my business services to social media stands as a good option. Ramelle Carter Media is serious about providing dignified information to the public. In conclusion, a solid social media presence comes with the territory.

In other words, earning my Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism made it extremely easy to get back into the Freelance mix. Deciding on working as an Independent Contractor for other outlets? Why not start my own?  Ramelle Carter Blog was born in 2016.

Therefore, since attending California State University at Northridge in the San Fernando Valley. ( I achieved status as a News producer back in the day. I oversaw most of the News stories that got on the air. The experience spilled over more than 20 years later. An enjoyment of shaping and crafting information is still incredible for me.

Ramelle Carter Media plans to shape more stories and have the world “take a peek” into some unknown events in Los Angeles. The preparation of the goals is the same. Ramelle Carter’s Blog introduced a community to survival stories. Ramelle Carter Blog Live brought the same aspect only in a 30-minute live Talk Show format. However, Ramelle Carter Media will spotlight events, organizations, or news that exposes the sensitive areas of Domestic Abuse. Therefore, a definitive blossoming did awaken from the ashes of the 2020 pandemic.

The New YouTube show, “Real News Los Angeles,” celebrates organizations committed to helping restore, recover, and encourage women, men, and children. Similarly, overcoming Domestic Abuse involves strategy. The hope is to acknowledge and highlight positive images in our community. “Real News Los Angeles” will profile events that will empower, and dissolve certain stigmas related to Domestic Abuse.

After that, a good plan is to bring comfort to the needs of men, women, and children. Ramelle Carter Media wants to document, film, or chat with people who are our “do-gooders.” We imagine a world where good is better than bad. For instance, recently there has been an increase in violence, mass shootings, and instabilities. “Real News Los Angeles” will work hard to show audiences about organizations establishing peaceful solutions to Domestic Violence. In conclusion, eliminating Domestic Violence altogether.

Meanwhile, the first organization I am spotlighting is “Unsilenced Voices”.  Please click the website link, ( volunteer, give, donate, and learn about this wonderful place to get help for Domestic Violence issues.

Domestic Violence help happens to be the “Unsilenced Voices” mission statement. I would encourage everyone to participate in getting more information for someone who is hurting and may not know where to turn.

Domestic Violence Help

Help is broken down into H.E.L.P, healing, evolving, loving, and participating.

The H stands for Healing.

Domestic Violence can turn anyone involved into that same person who victimizes if they are not careful. Can we all remember Amber Hurd?


Subsequently, when speaking of Amber Hurd names like “Amber Turd,” came out. Amber Hurd lost her court battle with her ex-Johnny Depp. In the infamous trial, Amber Hurd was touted as the abuser. On the other hand, she was just taking back her power. Gossip media outlets. social media trolls and fans of Johnny Depp did not see it that way.

A numbness, that is to say, can pull your emotions to a place of disaster. The victim must find healing. The wounds of abuse are massive.

Consequently, the healing process should not in any circumstance come out too quickly. My journey became secure gradually. In accordance, I received my Domestic Violence Advocacy certification.


The E Stands for Evolving

Evolving means to lessen your mind against worry and completely forgive. Instead of holding in malice for the perpetrator. Reading about Ashley Judd awakened me to how she went through “restorative justice” (

Ashley Judd has given all women a win. My perpetrator and ex-husband apologized for his abuse. To sum it up, I forgave him wholeheartedly. Although, it is still taking our kids longer to evolve. My kids do love their father. Remembering the father, he had shown before his addiction took the best of him is the positive aspect.


The L Stands for Loving

Loving means to start trusting. Firstly, Trust is a huge factor in gaining sufficient interest in a partner, soulmate, lover, friend, or companionship.

Secondly, Trust can hold the key to someone’s heart. Being able to trust holds the door to expression. In as much, breaking the chains to all positive energy is an approach to fulfillment. Loving is the most prestigious word.

It is the regulator to prospering moreover taking back our dignity; respectfully, decently, and orderly. Loving breaks the mold. For instance, loving evaluates the sustainability of getting victims back in solidifying such a great bond to the opposite, and same-sex partnership.


The P Stands for Participation

Participation is growth to total peace and calm. From childhood to adulthood there is room for growth. Likewise, it is the plateau of puberty. ( A great participation spirit to clarify drives us to stay equipped with knowledge. Those who stay behind, and watch remain in grief.

As a result, moving forward in wanting more out of life is key. Participation allows the foundation of information to get you full.

Meanwhile, foundational information keeps you informed. For instance, establishing the right attitude to move out of your comfort zone.

Especially, comfort coinciding with abusive relationships. Participating with organizations like “Unsilenced Voices: can optimize a vision for reconciliation to forge ahead in diminishing Domestic Violence.

Unsilenced Voices

Here is more information on the Unsilenced Voices mission.

If you can find the time to donate to this organization then please do so by clicking the website. Share by telling someone special there is help for them. Break away from a partner who is not taking their feelings into the heart in Domestic Violence.

I am happy to be able to share the accomplishments of others. Survivors who are in the trenches. Experts who give a great amount of their time, and energy to help women in the United States and abroad.

Take your hats off to the Unsilenced voices organizations.

Surely, Unsilenced Voices have talents and gifts they could be spreading in other places. Yet, Unsilenced Voices impart a lifestyle and broaden a trickling effect on resources for those who suffer from Domestic Violence.

Unjustly, an enormous number of articles are available on women who tragically perish in Domestic Violence incidents.

Domestic Violence Help is here, and it will capture your heart in a way that justifies wanting to know more about Unsilenced Voices and getting information.

Unsilenced Voices

Michelle Jewsbury & Sports Agent, Leigh Steinberg


RockStar SkinnyGal
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