Spring Stream
Spring Stream is a poem by Ramelle, to celebrate Springtime
(Ramelle Carter Blog)
The fresh air is pure bliss
Cleanliness of the vibrant smell of success is what scores high on the list
God straightens a pathway to undisputed truth
At my golden age of forty plus; I am exceptionally still in my youth
A curtsy stance is the best way to show it off, “My Pleasure,” I speak
As low in my self-esteem, I sink, lands me close to self-defeat
When springtime arises, I gladly acknowledge the superb greeting it brings to my heart
I will not utter the idea of this being the point of no return; I am much too smart
The shapes, colors, lights, camera action and it all goes away
Play my cards right, and nothing can lead me astray
Now here the season of spring has sprung
The flowers sing and dance a song
Spring stream down my eyes thus has begun